Research Funding & Scholarship

  1. 1,200,000 AUD
    Co-leading the Responsible AI Software Engineering (RAISE) program with 9 industry partners to train 11 graduates (7 Ph.D., 1 Master, and 3 Honours) addressing the urgent need for deep expertise and excellent skills in Responsible AI Software Engineering for digital health, transportation, and defence sectors.
  2. 402,000 AUD
    For 3 years (2021 - )
    ARC DECRA Fellowship is the competitive fund which is awarded to Early Career Researchers in Australia to support excellent basic and applied research. Success rate (DE21): 200/1173 (17.1%) across all disciplines; 56/331 (16.9%) for the Engineering, Information and Computing Sciences discipline.
  3. 1,700,000 JPY
    For 2 years (Apr 2016 - Mar 2018)
    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research are competitive funds that are intended to significantly develop all scientific research in Japan. The grants provide financial support for creative and pioneering research projects that will become the foundation of social development.
  4. 4,800,000 JPY
    For 2 years (Apr 2016 - Mar 2018)
    JSPS Research Fellowship is awarded to young researchers in Japan who demonstrate their excellent research. Acceptance rate (2016): 158/738 (21.4%)
  5. 1,500,000 JPY
    For 1 year (Apr 2015 - Mar 2016)
    NEC C&C Foundation provides financial support to non-Japanese engaged in research at universities and research institutes in Japan in the fields of C&C. The grant will be offered to the top-three applicants (Ph.D. students) accross the country.
  6. 120,000 JPY
    NAIST Global Initiatives Program provides financial support for the visiting at SAIL Lab, Queen's University, Canada
  7. 535,800 JPY
    For 1 year (Apr 2014 - Mar 2015)
    NAIST aims to attract and foster excellent students who will study doctoral course by setting up the full-year tuition exemption program. The scholarship will be offered to students who demonstrate a high standard of scholarly achievement in graduate studies.
  8. 200,000 JPY
    NEC C&C Grants for Researchers Attending International Conferences
    For attending the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE2014), Hyderabad, India
  9. 390,000 JPY
    JASSO Honor's Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students
    For 6 months (Oct 2013 - Mar 2014)
    Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) offers Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students who attend a university or other institution of higher education in Japan.
  10. 500,000 JPY
    The main purpose of CICP is to raise the ability of NAIST students to plan and manage research projects as well as the communication skills. Project title "PitchFlow: Better Guitar Sheet Music Library Through Real-time Editing and Award Strategy"